2010. június 12., szombat

The Second Week

The 15 km before Bilbao and the next two days were shockingly ugly compared to the previous week. The only exception is Portugalete center and the world heritage transporter bridge.

(Our first glitch on the road: both of my SD cards went wrong at the same time. One is readable by the camera only (this one contains the pictures), the other one is accessible only by the computer. Once I get the pics out of the card I post them. I bought a third card already, we have photos again since Asturia! :)
Update: I can copy out photos one by one from the card, so there are photos for this post!)

Not much later we left Basque Country to enter Cantabria. The landscape is fine countryside again, with more villages and smaller mountains. Unfortunately the path is mainly on concrete which exercised our feet greatly and made us limping by the and of the day. By now thanks to the Scholl relaxing balm and the gaining toughness we manage quite well on the asphalt.

There are many more pilgrims now, but sometimes we see familiar faces. We already met Hans and the two Italians and could talk a bit with Pierre. Our new friends are the Dutch Miriam and the two Hungarian Gyuri (“George and George” :) ). The two George are both psychologist (and ex-soldiers: one was a tank commander the other was a helicopter pilot) and have amazing stories. Miriam started her pilgrimage from home, she has been walking since February(!) and completed such 2500 kms. She had to have a month break in the winter because she got frost-blisters, but since then she is unstoppable.

On a ferry with the German Thomas and Miriam

Sea-looking cheap supper with Miriam

A morning cofee with George and George

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