2010. június 12., szombat

Asturias During Record Rain

We’ve been walking in rain for three days now and the forecast is not good at all. We didn’t expect record rainfall and don’t have fully waterproof equipment either. The raincoat protects only our upper body, all elsewhere we got soaking wet after an hour, then we walk the next 4-6 hours like this.

Landscape in rain

Purse, mobile, camera in snack bag, in the backpack everything in separate nylon bags

The life stopped in all Asturias, the festivals and fiestas cannot be held because of the rain either. In a few villages the flooding water washed away the road, a few houses and the embankment under rails. The fields are under water, the houses are in water, and the Camino is soaking wet too.

Big water

According to our book we should complete 30+ kms, but our sodden feet cannot bear the long stages, so we restructured the plans. If the Camino goes off-road then we sometimes walk ankle deep mud, that’s why we followed only the main road today – but even the 20+ kms is soul-killing like this. So we are waiting the good weather.

Mud everywhere

At the first time I even enjoyed this… :)

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