2008. augusztus 18., hétfő

Weekdays in Madrid 1.

It's been a long time I didn't write, and some of you already asked how we were going recently. First I didn't write because I felt that no one would be interested in our boring weekdays. Then the same time a few things happened to us my project took off and I became extremely busy. After the normal initial 8 hours per day we were working for 3 weeks non-stop with daily overtime and work on the weekends. I could hardly exchange a few words with Monika - writing my blog was out of chance...

I could only survive this busy period because I was able to insert some sport to my daily schedule. Every morning I get up a good hour earlier and go for running or practice some yoga. (This early getting up may sound cruel but it is early only here (actually is 7.30am) and considering that in the evening I'm too tired to do any sport this is the only possible time.) I miss my bike a lot but absolutely there was no room in the car when we moved here... That’s why I already looked out the foldable bikes which are very popular here, but my budget is not ready for that yet. The principle of these bikes is the same as those old rear-coaster-brake ones we call camping bikes at home. But the technology has evolved a lot in the last 30 years...

 tipical 'camping bike' from the 80's in Eastern Europe    
A tipical 'camping bike' from the 80's in Eastern Europe

During searching for the flat it was an aspect being near a big park, but without having choices it is only mere luck I have running field: the biggest park/green area is lying less than a km from our flat. With a 9 km long running I hardly reach its center, so I will not sicken it for a while...

futás1   futás2

Considering the heat we don't like strolling around the city, but the inside programs are ok because of the aircon. Therefore we headed to the Prado three times already, but every time a snag came on: either it was closed (the Lonely was wrong about the opening hours) or we just crossed something. Once it was the tinto verano. It happened that leaving home we discovered that we were hungry. Hungry Hungarians. With empty stomach you cannot enjoy even the highest culture so on the way along we jumped into one of our favorite bars. We both were very thirsty so opted for the economical jar of tinto verano instead of the 2x2 glasses. It turned out to be a bigger challenge than we thought, it was abundantly enough for 3 glasses each. During the third one we already knew we'd not make the gallery that day, so we leant back and watched comfortably the run of the day of the Tour de France. Then we went home and fell into bed and slept for two hours... :)

One of our favorite bars 
One of our favorite bars

The wicked jar 
The wicked jar

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