2008. október 2., csütörtök

Social Visit

These 5 days at home were like a well organized flying visit: expected and not expected events followed each other on the minute. No more program could have fit in this tight 126 hours! I met 30 of my friends and relatives, and while I was managing my stuffs I cycled around 150 kms. I arranged a new plate instead of the one which was stolen in Malaga at the local council administration office, and ordered two replacment front suspensions from my mechanic taking away. Well, I hardly could lift my big backpack when all my stuff AND the suspensions were all packed in! :)

During my last night at home a friend of mine invited me to watch the Dot Matrix Party. For this occasion they switch the lights of the dormitory building as a huge display at the Technical University. Unfortunately the had technical problems that night and we couldn't enjoy the show, but here is the best of the last year:

It was picked up by one of the morning programs of the abc NEWS: http://abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=2318825

Next morning on the way home I passed the new Megyer(Colbert) Bridge which is part of the motorway ring around Budapest. It's ninckname (Colbert Bridge) comes from the comedian Stephen Colbert who won twice the naming poll on the Internet. I missed the the opening ceremony next day according to the following link it was really spectacular: 

A good article about the bridge: http://central.blogactiv.eu/2008/10/04/the-colbert-bridge-over-the-danube-by-night/

Image: Wikipedia

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