2008. június 10., kedd

Lisa's Farewell Night

We had a wonderful night on Saturday. We could park the car just in front of the house LOL :D :o  and went up to the flat at around 8 o'clock with 3,5 liter of tinto verano and half kilo of sunflower seeds (szotyi - for your later Hungarian studies Mara ;) ). As usual we had fun. Then Tomi arrived too and we went to Lisa's favorite crêpe place - but before that she dressed us up. No, we didn't wear Mara's bikini this time, just funny hats and a barrette. :D Had fun there too, ate delicious pancakes. On the way to the flat Lisa honored her last ascending on the stairs with a deep bow.

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                                                                                                 Allergy and sugarbowl



The holy stairs

Then Peti and the boys Hungarian friend, Kata arrived. We ate the cake what Lisa got from our English gentleman. We found out that Lisa has 9 kilos of overweight, so the next two hours we were drinking and watching Lisa as re-arranged her stuff between the suitcase and her backpack. At last she managed to bring the suitcase down to 21 kilos, while the backpack was around 15. Good job, lol!

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In trouble

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At half past 3 in the morning Leon announced that the door to the rooftop is open! What a present from the gods, first the parking place on the street and now this! We gathered our last drinks and all went up. The last one, Lisa in a well-mannered way pulled closed the door behind her... the door which can be opened only from inside! :DD After a minute long laughing we tried to figure out how to get down at least by the time the taxi arrives for Lisa. Shall we ask a passer-by throwing down our key to come up and open the door? There was no one on the street... Or shall we call Elena or Debora to save us? It seemed a bit too big favor at those early hours. Leon solved the problem again, started banging the door and shouting: Soccoro! Soccoro! A few minutes later a scared couple from the fifth floor emerged at the door. We explained our situation said muchos 'Lo siento' and went down... :) Poor our neighbours!

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In trouble again                              The view - at least

Because we didn't have more drinks but we wanted to wash down the alarm with something acoholish, we went out. To our surprise lots of places were closing and we couldn't find a place to sit in and drink. Finally some of us went home while the others queued for quarter an hour in front of the Fraggle Rock to get in. Then they danced until morning as usual... :)

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The prepaid taxi didn't arrive at all - but they (with Leon) managed to get to the airport in time. What a night, he?!

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